Either I don’t understand how percussion techniques are handled, or I’ve encountered a bug with them.
When editing techniques in the instrument library for a specific instrument, say Bass Drum, and then saving to default with the star, whatever is in the Bass Drum now applies to a seemingly random number of other instruments in the Library. So I’ve added “Hit” to Bass Drum, it is now a technique for the Mark Tree. If I then delete that in the Mark Tree and then add “Gliss” to the Mark Tree, now Bass Drums only technique is “Gliss.”
It seems to be limited to random default instruments and not custom ones, which makes me think it’s a bug. For example, I haven’t created new instruments for Bas Drum, Maracas, Temple Blocks, Bongos, Congas, etc… All of those instruments seem to have linked playing techniques. I have however created custom Snares, Cymbals, etc… and all of those retain their custom techniques.
Using the star on the linked instruments doesn’t seem to make a difference. Checked or unchecked they all share the same techniques.
Have you checked the percussion map that your bass drum is using?
If you created it, then you can customize it to be exclusive to one instrument by selecting that option at the top of the window.
I have a unique percussion map for each intrument, so they are all listed as single instrument.
The issue is in the playing techniques in the instrument library.
To further elaborate, the issue isnt that other instruments are triggering, it’s that when i set a playing technique on one instrument it sets them to all. I’ll try and edit the first post with screenshots soon.
IIRC Expression Maps are set to MIDI tracks/channels. If a number of percussion instruments are all accessed (in a kit?) via the same channel, then the techniques in the Expression Map would be accessible to all of them. Would the same concept apply to Percussion Maps? That doesn’t mean one has to apply them to the wrong instrument.
Right now I’m not working with anything in a kit, I’m working strictly from the instrument library. That said, loading them into a kit doesn’t change the behavior. It’s also worth mentioning that each instrument has it’s own MIDI channel and isn’t sharing with another.