a) This has nothing to do with rate conversion. I’d also call it dropout rather than crackles, not for being picky, but technically those are very different.
b) tried with device ASIO, Generic ASIO, and ASIO4All with the sinewave test, cannot reproduce.
It does sound like an older bug we had that after approx. 1/2 second after start, it would expose such a dropout. But not the slightest clue how to reproduce, any hint welcome!
I could force it to do that one single time, directly after changing sample rate. But next stop/start/locate would not dropout again.
Seems can reproduce anytime with any audio-interface/ASIO
Do you have my live project? Load ErdoErdo, there is really not too much to do, does that occurs at your setup then?
I have found ErdoErdo, what should I do? plays fine…
Missing some plugins though, so maybe try without, especially eqs tend to produce clicks when starting outside a zero transmission.
The thread covers various problems, so pls let me know what exactly happens (thst should not) when you do - what? And at what position in the timeline, and sample rate and buffer size, thanks.
Also maybe remove all DMX for a test to see if it makes a difference (note: mute doesn’t suffice).
Oh sorry sorry, yes…
Talking about the 500ms delayed crackle after PLAY started.
For your question
So hit play, 500msec, crackle, and no more
Don’t stop!! But relocate playhead by hand,
Jumps back, playing from new location, 500ms, crackle,
No DMX at this beginning part (or maybe a fix position is set at the first moment, that’s all)
Does it happen at your side? It’s not rare at my side rather permanent behavior.
Does this helped a bit?
This is not supported to be free of problems when there is more load than can be managed within the given time (here: zero). Jump locating is also prohibited except for clicking in the timeline, which is only for rehearsal and editing and only allowed because it is unlikely that you accidently do that during a show.
With FlexLoop things are different, but there, time is provided (as set in the FlexLoop setting) to buffer playback data. This can also fail if there is more than the machine can manage, but usually with more than say 1/2 second it should be able to manage this.
If possible, it should work nevertheless, and the timeframe points to a problem with the buffer mechanism (actually 0.75 sec). So…let me recap: it only happens with jump locate, correct? It’s hard to spot so trying to find a calmer position - no click here for me to hear. And again, pls try w/o DMX for a test.
It depends on many factors, so let me ask you again about buffer size and sample rate, thanks.
ERDO ERDO BT track, inserted sine wave oscillator. Jump locate at around bar 55, no click, seamless. Metronome runs as well as video. Note I only have an older version and have reduced DMX clips events.
Ther can be a noise immedeately when jump locating, that’s the eqs finding no zereo cross.
I know but that helps to bring up the problem. In my video you can see it can happen with simple PLAY. And the crackle is always coming afterwards, “delayed”
Buffer is usually 128 (64 just for testing a new device)