Load midi, add tempo track + time signature - data moves over 1 beat

More specific details:

I recorded a song on a Yamaha DGX 670. I saved it out to a USB, then loaded it into an empty project.

The sheet music is 3/4 time signature. After loading it looks like below, having the start of the instrument at measure 2, rather than measure 1 :

So there is no tempo track., and the default of 120 is assigned. So I want to edit the tempo track, and set correct tempo, which involves several tempo changes across the track.

I opened the Tempo track editor with Ctrl-T. I moved the tempo line from 120 to 160, which is what the piece starts with. Then I notice the time signature is 4/4:

So I changed the signature to 3/4, and I see this:

It moved the start of the piece to the second beat of measure 2. Oh, and despite the fact that I dragged the tempo line from 120 to 160, it shows the tempo as 120:

So I’m not sure what’s going on. I’m thinking that if I want to add a tempo change at measure 21 per the sheet music, do I add it at measure 23, second beat in the project?

Maybe I am misinterpreting what I see? (As you can guess, I’m new to the DAW).

BTW, I have purchased Cubase 14, but haven’t installeld it yet. This is Cubase 13.

But there are 4 beats per measure in that pic.

I just realized one thing…I think. I was thinking that the three beats would show as two marks in the measure, with beat 1 being at the first of the measure.

But I’m still confused about my other thoughts.

Maybe start over and ask one question at a time?

@steve thanks for the input. That response was quick.

Good suggestion.

I edited the first post to reflect everything more accurately. I figured I’d save time for others that come along. Please give it a glance. It makes more sense now.

Changing the time sig doesn’t move notes. You have to manually move them so they start on beat one. Also, the track must be in Musical Time Base – That button is on the track headers (the track section on the left) which is not visible, in your screenshots.

If you upload any other screen shots be sure to include the entire window
as above

Hi @steve , thanks again for your input.

Changing the time sig doesn’t move notes. You have to manually move them so they start on beat one.

Just to be sure you know what is forming my impressions which you do indicate are wrong, two screen shots:

Initial load of midi file:

After importing the tempo track:

And a reminder of why I’m struggleing with this: I want to be sure that the tempo track I had created earlier in all of this starts at the right measure. That track is based on measure 1 being where the song starts, but now in this project it starts at measure 2 beat 2.

Also, the track must be in Musical Time Base – That button is on the track headers (the track section on the left)

Maybe that is the cause of my confusion. I have the whole screen on the pics above. You will notice my left panel is very different from what you show in your screen shots.

It is configurable:

It would probably be a good idea to review the manual. Here is a link to what I described in the images above.