Is it possible to change the Note Spacing and/or Staff Spacing (Rastral Size) in specific frames?
I can change both of those parameters for the entire score but often I need to shrink the rastral size or Note Spacing size just on page one which tends to be more crowded due to Title, Composer, Arranger, etc. I notice that in Engrave Mode there are options under the Engrave menu for Note Spacing and Staff Spacing which bring up a sub-menu with “Reset Selected Frames” and “Reset Selected Systems” but I have not figured out how to select the certain frames (like on page 1) that I want to resize while leaving all the other pages as is.
Any help appreciated.
You can apply a Note Spacing Change at any point. Select something, then in the Engrave mode menu, there’s “Note Spacing Change”.
You can set or Reset the spacing. This is a ‘killer’ feature, IMO, as it’s ideal for changing the spacing, say, between regions in different time sigs.
You can also set the Staff Size as a Property of any System or Frame Break. I think you’ll have to reset it with another one at some point.
It’s best to make staff size changes very slight, so they go unnoticed by most readers. It’s not really ideal to have visibly different staff sizes across a whole piece.
“You can also set the Staff Size as a Property of any System or Frame Break. I think you’ll have to reset it with another one at some point.It’s best to make staff size changes very slight, so they go unnoticed by most readers. It’s not really ideal to have visibly different staff sizes across a whole piece.”
The Note Spacing is not as much an issue for me as the Staff sizes on specific pages. ie. Page one of my concert band score says it is at 110% full (which can create collisions as you know) while the other pages are at only 95% which is fine. If I change the staff size on page one to get it down close to 100%, then the Staff Size on all subsequent pages is down to under 80%. Can you tell me how to go about setting the Staff Size as a “Property of any system or Frame Break”?
- Set a Break
- Set the Property
(You’ll need to be in Engrave mode, not Write mode, for this property to show.)
As said, you then need to set another one to reset the size on the next page. For these sorts of things (also Divisi, Note Spacing, Condensing Changes, etc) it’s worth “working backwards”, adding the Reset first.
Got it.
Thank you so much.