I have Cubase 14 and lately I’m having trouble with “locators to selection” and “activate cycle”.
It’s not all the time, but every day at some point. When I restart it’s ok again, but it’s very annoying.
When I press “p” it sets the cycle another place and the same when I activate cycle. Can somebody help?
Is there any chance something else is selected? What “other place” do the locators end up?
No, nothing else is selected. Sometimes it goes to somewhere close to my selection and other times in the beginning of the project, when I press p several times I can sometimes make it go to the right place. Very strange
I don’t quite understand this. You mean that you have already defined locators, and when you hit the Loop (Activate Cycle) button, the locators change?
there are 2 problems regarding the cycle.
When I select something and push the P “locators to selection”, the locators go to another place.
And if I succeed in put the locators to the selection and then I activate cycle, then the locators go somewhere else. But it’s not all the time, but very often and it helps when I restart Cubase
Very strange, indeed… Any chance that “P” is assigned to something else as well, perhaps in an external utility?
I don’t think so, will check it all again monday, but a restart solves it so…
now I have checked it again. I deleted alle other tracks and segments and it is still doing the same, when I have the segment selected and I activate cycle it moves far away… but when I restart Cubase and open the same project it’s normal…
Have you tried starting Cubase in Safe Mode with preferences disabled?
thanks , I will try that
That solved it thanks:) but how can i find out what preference is causing the problem, do you have a tip?