Lock bar to timecode position

Is there a way to lock a certain bar to a timecode position and not have it affected by tempo change? What I’m looking for is essentially the “bar position plays at smpte”-function that Logic has.

in the project settings
“Set Timecode at Cursor” - will this do the trick?

I remember doing some stuff like that in there before, but not familiar with Logic or exactly how this workflow is supposed to work like

No, the setting, if I understand you correctly, is set per track. Musical or Linear Timebase.

As @mlib said, you need to switch the track to Linear Time Base.
Click the marked icon to turn it form a note to a clock.

Not quite. I use this function a lot, but the problem is that it still moves out of sync if I adjust the tempo.

This is only smpte-locking the track right?
What I’m looking for is for the entire bar to be locked in a specific timecode position.
Maybe Cubase doesn’t have this function?

If locking the track in time is not enough than you’re a bit out of luck as far as I know.
I think Cubase cannot lock a specific bar to a time code value, neither can it lock a tempo event to a time code value.

I had to look up what the Logic function actually was. Are we talking about this setting?

Is your Cubase receiving a sync signal?

This is exactly the function I’m looking for in Cubase!
I’m syncing Cubase with Pro Tools which is running the video.

Oh that? Yes, that is actually doable in Cubase but requires a bit more work.

The issue is that we can tell Cubase to offset the bars by certain amount but not directly assing a bar to a time code position.
We need to set the project tempo first so that there is a bar at the desired time code. Then, in a second step, we can insert a bar offset in order for the chosen bar to receive the number, like as in the above screenshot.

At the moment I don’t have ttime to give a proper step by step guide on how to do it. And maybe somebody else will tell or will find a snappier idea. Otherwise I’ll post more at a later time.

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