I have set up my Violin I part to limit the first page to 6 staves which provides a 3 bar rest at the page turn (first image). When attempting to add upbow and downbow marks, the upbow mark at bar 12 results in a respacing of the following staves - and I’ve “lost” stave #6 (bars 51 - 60)
I’ve tried locking the layout which has added frame breaks and System breaks, but that doesn’t control the respacing of the staves. Would appreciate guidance on how to “lock” the existing spacing between the staves so I can add bowing without respacing. Thanks.
That looks like you manually increased system spacing on this page after inserting the frame break, rather than lowering the threshold for vertical justification which would prompt Dorico to respace systems to fill the height of the page automatically.
When you added more notations in that require more vertical space, that might have tipped Dorico above that justification threshold, but because Dorico maintains your manual spacing offsets, those get applied on top of the new positions of the systems.
Long story short: try not to drag staves/systems around loads in Dorico, until you’ve exhausted the available default settings.