Logic Editor bars vs ticks?

I have two logical Edit presets one for selecting the 1st and 3rd beat and another for selection the 2nd and 4th .

I’ve been trying to combine these to select notes 1st,2dn,3rd and 4th . I have managed to do it using the mouse to try and select the area.

I took a screen shot and was hoping copy one to the other ands type in the same number but as I insert a new target I see ( displayed) and not the 4 digit ( 1850 for example), I am not sure why this is happening

That looks like it is using Beats for some and Ticks for others. Not sure what might cause the difference, but I’d think either should work. Does the Preset perform as expected? What happens if the Track for the selected MIDI Part switches its Timebase setting?

good idea , I just checked but still showing Bars n Beat for both timebases


I tried to recreate the issue, but it doesn’t crash on my side.

What is strange on this screenshot… The values don’t seem to be Bars + Beats in the Parameter 1 and Parameter 2. How could this happen?

All the LE Presets I’ve made using this range mechanism, which are from many years ago, are in Ticks not Bars & Beats.

This is what I’m trying to work out, I cannot work out why some is in bars and beats and some is in ticks

I’m quite new to logical Editor, would you be able to show me in bars how to select the 1st 2nd 3rd and 4th note ? and I will try and create a new one from scratch.




The LE preset “downbeat accent (4-4)” has just the ticks as parameter 1 and 2 However, when toggling Condition to Equal and back to Inside Bar Range you’ll get the Bars+Beats values.

Okay, that must be it. I’m finding it a little confusing when it changes like this.

Would you be so kind as to give me an example of selecting? 1st 2nd 3rd and 4th beat



I would guess, if you start to create the ogical Editor preset from scratch, you get the correct Bars & Beats format of the display.

just started from scratch and had the crash , I have PM you the log and gonna start again and screen record



This is me making the LE preset (sorry I’m very slow)

This is me trying to edit it after saving

I was able to edit if I didn’t double click and try to type the number in . just use the mouse to up/down them

Project and LE preset
Archive.zip (96.6 KB)


Do I understand it right, it crashed already while making the preset? How did you save it then to be able to get into the edit state?

first I made a new preset and it crashed , see the video , I then made it again and saved it .

If I open the Preset I saved (upload here) I can make C14 on demand ,by double click and try to type in the data . see video

if I edit the data using mouse up/down it does not crash