Loop mode inconsistent

90% of the time when using spectralayers, i’m using it in ARA mode in cubase.
There was always looping inconsistencies, especially at the attack/beginning part of the samples & beginning part of a loop when spectralayers is used on a sample inside cubase, this hasn’t changed since i start using spectralayers 7.
I thought this was more of a Cubase issue than anything else.

But lately while using Spectralayers in standalone, and having it in loop mode, i have inconsistencies in the beginning of the samples, only while looping playback.

So im thinking this is more of a spectralayers issue than a cubase one, as it persists in standalone.

Is this a know issue?
Is there something i can do to fix this?

I’ve been using SL since v7, and i have always had this issue, even across new pc builds.