Lost names from Track Presets

Hello everyone!
Some presets have lost names from Track Presets (Instrument). Has anyone encountered this?

Nope, not here. Are there any special characters involved in the names of these presets?

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If you try to use them do they work?

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When renaming, a dialog box opens, and then I see the current name of the preset, the name can also be changed, but in the end it does not work. The name of the preset remains empty.
At the same time, the preset works, the instrument loads as intended.
It happened after the update, if I’m not mistaken 14.0.10 (Mac, Apple Silicon)

Yes, it works, but I don’t see the name of the preset

The problem has been solved. Who is interested and who has similar problems, here is my method.
I copied all the presets and temporarily transferred them to the desktop.

Presets were stored here (Mac) /User/Library/Application Support/Steinberg/Track Presets

Then I deleted all the presets, opened Cubase, rescanned the folders, Cubase saw that it was now empty and I closed the program.Then I returned the presets from the desktop back to the Steinberg folder, rescanned Cubase again and all the presets began to look correct. :+1: