Lyrics inserted in Key Editor oddly placed

Mostly just to check it out I tried entering lyrics in the Key Editor by selecting a note and then typing in the word in the lyric field on the info line. Seemed to work fine. But when I opened the part in the Score Editor the lyrics were above the staff instead of below it.

I noticed that too. At first they would go underneath, then sometimes above. Could not find rhyme nor reason. No pun intended.

Same here. At least, the lyrics entered through the key editor are consistently above the notes in one neat line. So I just simply go to the score editor. Turn off layer 1, and on layer 2 so only the lyrics are editable: then press Shift and double click on the first word on the lyric line, and it selects all the entered lyrics in view, turning blue – then I simply press my Command key (I use a mac, Ctrl for Windows) and drag the whole lyric line straight down.

It’s actually easier to add the lyrics through the Score editor, by clicking on the Lyrics button under the “Other” bar on the left – if it doesn’t turn blue, open score settings, make sure the text is set at note layer. Click underneath the note you want to start adding lyrics from. A text field appears, type your word then hit the ‘Tab’ key for the next note, and so forth. Pressing the enter key to end the line.

I can’t do the Tab-thing because Cubase crashes on my “unsupported” Mac OS X Snow Leopard machine. So I had to use the key editor for the lyrics as a work-around. I first tried entering the lyrics one by one in the score editor – it was messy, misaligned and time-consuming to fix. I think all the supported OS should be able to do the lyrics-Tab no problem.

Hope this helps.

Even on my PC where the Tab works, entering lyrics directly in the score editor is marginal. Works okay until you notice a mistake or typo. Going back to correct that means you have to start inserting lyrics at some later point. Try as I might, I never get it vertically aligned with the previous text. What works best for me is to split up all the syllables in a text editor. Then paste them into the notepad in the Score Settings. Then highlight the block text you want to enter and the note those lyrics begin on and hit the Insert Lyrics button. This aligns everything nicely and also makes it easy to fix errors (I’m always missing some syllable split :open_mouth: ) or to change a word later. It also has the advantage of saving a syllablized version of your lyrics with the project.

One problem is that it will only insert lyrics up to the last note visible in the Score Editor. So in page mode that is the end of the page and in non-page mode to the point where you have to horizontal scroll to see more notes.

I wasn’t aware there was an “Insert Lyrics” button in the Text/Lyrics settings. I must have been missing it all this time because it’s greyed out when there’s no lyric-start note selected.

Thanks so much raino, it really works very well. Even the font settings is cool - Except the underline does not work. Assigning the lyrics into different verses (by right-clicking on the word), gives them their respective colors! Neat, and we can have up to 6 verses! And also I discovered the quickest way to call up the score setting window without having to go to the top menu or anywhere else away from the notes and lyrics to work with – yes, by simply right-clicking on any text or lyrics and selecting Set Font.

One problem is that it will only insert lyrics up to the last note visible in the Score Editor. So in page mode that is the end of the page and in non-page mode to the point where you have to horizontal scroll to see more notes.

I assume, you’re already working with just the staff you’re putting the lyrics on, if not, get rid of the other staves in layout. You might also try zooming out to the max, by using the zoom tool while pressing the Alt/Option Key. At the smallest view of the score you can still select the starting note. The best mode in lyric-inserting, I think is the non-page mode. It lets you view most of the score for the best application of the zooming out technique.

Yes, that was reported and acknowledged by SB: Steinberg Forums