In free meter, I’m sometimes needing to put multiple syllables on a reciting tone. The default positioning seems to be to center-align the text with the note. I’d like to left-align it; that is, have the text begin with the note. Example:
I’d like the verse number and first word to be directly below the note, not pushed over to the left. In some cases the text is being backed into earlier text and overlapping with it.
You have to simply cmd-select these “syllables” and then choose “Left align” in the properties panel. Dorico will not do this for you automatically. A few seconds of multi-select and a single toggle can correct them all in one fell swoop.
Great - thanks! I am still just learning about the stuff on the properties panel. I figured there should be a “left align” somewhere but had hunted to no avail.
That could be because the properties panel dynamically updates depending on what you have selected, and only ever shows properties that can apply to the selected objects. If you have selected disparate things that don’t really share any options, very little will be shown. But if you have lyrics (only) selected, the correct options will be shown: