Lyrics paste from text document into Dorico?

Is there a way to paste lyrics one syllable at the time the way this can be done in Sibelius where you can copy a full text from a text document?

Not at the moment, no, though I hope we will be able to add this in future.

Great to hear that, Daniel. Thanks.

A linked question: when typing lyrics into Dorico it knows where ties are (and scoots you to the next note) but it DOESN’T scoot past a syllabic slur (to use Gould’s term). Could it, one day?

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Anything is possible, given sufficient time and effort.

You’re more patient with us than we are with you, Daniel :wink:

hi everyone,
is this question of Andre possible by now?

#Is there a way to paste lyrics one syllable at the time the way this can be done in Sibelius where you can copy a full text from a text document?

Yes and no. You need to break the syllables up using hyphens, either in a word processor or in a tool such as Lyric Hyphenator | Juicio Brennan

You can then copy the whole passage and paste paste paste into Dorico’s Shift-L popover.

oh yeahhh

I am very happy with this solution !!
Thank you