Hi, I can’t find a solution for the following problem:
I am doing a song which has several verses and a refrain which has the same text always.
The lyrics of the verses should be labled with the verse number (1. to 4.), the refrain lyrics should be labled “1.-4.”
How do I do this?
Any help would be appreciated.
I simply add the text "1.-4. " or "Ref. " before the first syllable of the refrain.
Adding to @P.A.T , you can create a grace note before the first note of the refrain, reducing costum size to 1%, what makes it invisible and add the text ‘1-4.’ as lyrics below. This avoid to have too many characters below the first note. I do it quite often and works very well.
If it’s a refrain, then surely you don’t need to write it out every time?
If you use Dorico’s “Chorus” lyrics, then you can do this:
The Chorus lyrics are a different Paragraph style, and they vertically align in the middle of the verses.
Thank you for the information.
However, when I select “Lyrics (Chorus)” only the font changes, not the alignment.
How did you do it?
Now I got it, it’s not the Paragraph Style, but the check “Chorus”.
Thank you!
It seems to be too many lyrics in one staff. You can either make rastal size smaller or start the second line with the last bar of the current system. (Engrave mode left side, can’t remember the word, but will be obvious when you get there…)
“System break”?
Is that the term you were looking for?
What about a system break before the upbeat of bar three (before “und”)?