M-Audio is now part of inMusic!

hmm? :confused:

and would like the opportunity to contact you directly.

Well at least that’s kinda nice on their part unless they just use it
for info gathering/marketing etc.

But if they really want to be ‘intouch’ with their new
customers, I would say it’s a good start.


I just knew this would bite me in the tail! There were a few more “yada yada” sections in the mail I chopped out to keep it a little shorter. Basically they intend to move the support and accounts minus credit card info(!) over to inMusic so it is a good start.

Now is it to early to say something about Avid’s reasons?

No no…Avid doesn’t make Reason. They make ProTools. :mrgreen:

I guess I should have registered my M-Audio products eh?

And you’re a propellerhead! :laughing:

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

If I understood what I read correctly, Avid has had some financial difficulties, and sold off these less profitable units to improve their cash position.

That’s what it looks like from afar!

Hmmmm… Check avid’s stock. It is traded open to the public if you want to see financials. You should be able to look them up in google trends to get an overview.

Also, steinberg released Nuendo to Yamaha in the u.k. Have a look in the Nuendo forum to get the info on that.

I have no idea what any of it means and nothing really applies to me anyway, so I don’t need to really dig into much of it. I will say though, in regard to avid’s move, there is a serious business strategy behind it.