[Mac] C7 and OS 10.8.5 Any users try it yet?

Aloha guys,

The latest OS update has been released. (OS 10.8.5)

Just wondering if anyone yet has this combination up-and-running successfully?

TIA (thanks in advance)

No problems here - not 1 Cubase 7.0.5 crash. Be sure to download and install the “combo” update (and repair permissions before the install).


No problems here - I updated from the App Store and all seems fine.

Tanx for the info guys.

I always put new updates on a partition and run them there for a while.
and till now it has been ‘so far so good’ using 10.8.5.

Coupled along with these two trusted reports, I guess it’s time to move.

Sending much Aloha and mahalo to you.

(Combo update) It’s been o.k. here too (so far :stuck_out_tongue: )