Mackie Controller - auto banking

It looks to me like you are using invalid characters. You are using one of those single quotes that have a weird angle.
Honestly it might be this forum that re-interprets ’ into a wrong character.
Go into the file, and change the single quote manually. Don’t copy paste it.
If you re-download the file again from the github repository it should show you the correct one.

edit: Just tried it myself, and I get the exact same error if I use the incorrect quote like you did. So changing that should fix it.
I am working on changing this a little, so editing the config is an easier task, eliminating some of these problems.

Several years ago this guy actually made auto banking work in Cubase. He first did it with Behringer X Touch, then Cubase.

Before anyone gets real excited, watch the video and take lots and lots of notes. :joy:
PS it sort of helps if you know MAX and LoopMidi

This is pretty cool, and I did see this before as well.
Personally I opted for my own solution since I wanted something simpler and something where I had control over it myself.
Definitely a good link for the thread topic though.

Yes, something simpler. I suggested if he could just make everything there executable in one little app, he could make some money. It’s way too complex and involved for me. But it’s fun watching what someone would do to really get auto bank to work a couple years ago.

The interesting this about that video is actually found in the comments in the guys blog:

The workaround is to add a WK-Audio controller and send it’s info to Max. This is the ONLY controller that send (via Sysex) the current channel number … so if you click in the channel 120, it will send this information (in text) to the controller… and in max, we grab this 120, convert it to integer, do the math to find out the correct bank and then “press” the bank button X times. "

Your script could probably use that controller in combo to figure out how to get the bank number?

This is a pretty solid idea, and I did consider checking out midi data from other controllers in Cubase to see what they send. Ideally i’d like to avoid more than one control type though to try to keep complexity down.
My main issue isn’t knowing how many “clicks” to do, but knowing which direction to go.
A track number delta would help me a lot there for sure. I can get it now with my Console 1 over sysex, but that makes my solution too specific for that setup so I am working on something else to figure this out.
The “risk” of using a specific number of jumps is that it might be a problem for non mackie tracks like Midi, Chord, Group etc etc

So while I’m still working on this, considering a few different strategies next, I got my eyes open a bit for possibly foregoing the python part entirely and working in the MIDI Api in Cubase.
Depending on the replies I get for some questions regarding track name retrieval and the display update of the track time/beats, I might consider the option of writing a script that solves it entirely within cubase.

Depending on the possibilities, and learning curve, I might take 1 or 2 paths.
One is to just write it entirely with the Cubase controller API, or make a hybrid of the two, where one part speaks mackie to get names and other information not available, and the other part works with a cubase remote controller.

Going full midi mode on the X-Touch One isn’t a real option I feel, as that will make resolution of the faders too low (0-127 instead of 0-16383). That said, I already did tests converting the pitchbend to a 14-bit midi message, and that’s easily done, and would work directly in Cubase.

Thanks very much for your work. I hope something will work out.
I have no clue with scripting but maybe Bome midi translator can do something here?
Ich use the pro version to use a programmable keypad as a midi controller, as the pro version can translate keystrokes to midi, but for strictly midi use the free version is enough.

Hi, would you mind telling how you got it to work on mac step by step? I’m unsure of what to instal etc… I have the UF8 and would love this work around for auto-banking

Thanks a lot!

How can I use this script in macos monterey?
I’m not programmer and I have any idea for script. Is it easy for common people like me ? just copy and paste on script editor? or need more something?
I can type in terminal little bit if I need. Could you tell me this process?
Thank you for your studying.


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Unfortunately it will require a little bit more, at least in the latest available release.
You need to install python3.10, and a few modules for it.

For the record, I took a little bit of a break with this for now, as I wanted to explore how steinbergs midi remote editor could pull part of this weight, and I am finding that it can (and definitely will soon) be able to do most of the things I did in my script in an easier way.

Which controller do you have? I only have a single fader controller (Behringer X-Touch One) and for that, I find making a midi remote editor might be an easier route now. I can’t figure out how to do the jog wheel and display yet via that though.


MIDI Remote scripts are written in JavaScript.


Yes I am aware.
But he is asking about a script I wrote last year and made a newer revision of this year, that I wrote in python to implement auto-banking for mackie controllers, since Cubase doesn’t support it.


Cubase supports auto-banking with the MIDI Remote script, now.

Ah yeah I know, that’s why I changed direction with my idea to see if working with normal MIDI mode would be a good option.

But this thread is specifically regarding MCU though, does auto-banking now work with MCU? That’d be really awesome. Is that what you are saying?

On the flip… for my Nektar p6 auto banking is default. I’d love to be able to turn this off completely. Not sure it can be, it seems hard coded into the Nektar, which often has a scrolling fit and things sometimes don’t line up as you want them.

It would be great nevertheless to get a solution for cubase 11 for a not so tech savy…

I have the presonus faderport.
I just wanna auto-banking, motorized volume and panning.
Is it possible on M1 monterey?
I can try with python 3.10
Thank you for your reply.


Yeah should work fine. But you do need to set up a virtual in and out midi port to use for communicating, since this script is essentially a layer that sits between Cubase and your controller, translating messages.
Unfortunately it isn’t quite to a point where it’s “beginner friendly” yet. Depending on Steinbergs intention to solve mackie controller auto banking, it might be redundant with some patience though.

As it seems there won’t be an easy solution for cubase 11 anymore does anybody know if the icon nano has the same problem in Cubase?