macOS: "Keep Plug-ins in Memory until the Application Quits" does not work for VST2 plugins

Using Activity Monitor to view application loaded modules, my tests show that preferences option “Keep Plug-ins in Memory until the Application Quits” works only for VST3 plugins.

This option needs to work also for VST2 plugins, because of this in the Apple macOS documentation…
“the Objective C runtime does not support the unloading of Objective C code”

If a VST2 plugin, coded using Objective-C, is inserted in a Cubase project, and later removed, then it will leave the Objective-C runtime in an unstable state. Cubase will almost certainly crash as a result of this.
Thank you
(macOS 10.14.6, Cubase Elements 10.5)

And this post by Apple Developer Technical Support is relevant…
“There are limited circumstances under which a bundle can be unloaded but unloading a bundle containing general-purpose Objective-C code is not safe.”

So, the implication is that it is very unwise to unload a plugin bundle from memory if it links to the Objective-C runtime.