Copying and pasting selection to the duplicated version of the track
Moving selection to the duplicated version of the track
I assume that the steps should be:
Make a selection
Edit - Copy (Or Edit - Cut)
Project - Duplicate Tracks
Edit - Select All On Tracks
Edit - Delete
Edit - Paste At Origin
1st problem(not so big): “Paste At Origin” command doesn’t paste my selection to the duplicated track despite the track is selected. Instead the selection is pasted on the original track. BUT if before “Paste At Origin” command I change the tool (for example paste “Combined Selection Tools on\off” command twice - one after another) then “Paste At Origin” command puts my track to the duplicated track.
So for the first Macro the steps will be:
Make a selection
Edit - Copy
Project - Duplicate Tracks
Edit - Select All On Tracks
Edit - Delete
Tool - Combined Selection Tools on\off
Tool - Combined Selection Tools on\off
Edit - Paste At Origin
2nd problem: I assume that for the 2nd macro I should replace “Edit - Copy” command with “Edit - Cut” command and keep the other steps the same.
But if I do it, the macro works in a strange way. New track is created but it’s empty and the original event on the first track is cropped (Screenshots with before/after macro are included). BUT if I reproduce macro steps manually all works fine.
So can anyone explain is it a problem with “Paste At Origin” command or am I doing something wrong?
And Why “Cut” command works so strange?
There is unfortunately one big problem with the Macros in general. The Macros are just firing the commands. It doesn’t wait until the function is really done. There is no anything like idle. Therefore it happens time to time that one one command is triggered already, but the previous one has not been done yet.
My workaround is to add the Save function in-between, which works as kind of idle. Cubase always waits until Save is dome and then continue. The only one disadvantage is, you have to always Save as the project, before you trigger the Macro for the first time. If you wouldn’t save it, the “Save as” dialog would appear when triggering the Save function for the first time. So the Macro wouldn’t work.
Thank you for the answer, it helped me. Another solution that I found is to paste Tool - Combined Selection Tools on\off command several times for example 8 times) after the command that cause problems (in my case it’s Edit - Cut command). But it’s very disappointed that this problem exists. Creating macros is un unpredictable and time consuming process because of this. I hope Steinberg team will fix that in future updates