Main panel focus stays lost even when focus is returned

when working with several windows open at once, there are times when you return focus to the main window, but keymappings in the window will still behave as though it doesn’t have focus.


  • in keymapper, map up and down arrows to ‘select track previous’ and ‘select track next’, map shift-up and shift-down arrows to ‘zoom out tracks’ and ‘zoom in tracks’
  • open track editor. verify that these demo mappings work correctly.
  • open channel settings window for the selected track. focus is now on channel editor.
  • type up-arrow and down arrow to select different tracks. this works fine.
  • type alt-tab to return focus to track editor. focus is now back on track editor, as you can see because the window border is now brighter.
  • type up-arrow and down arrow to select different tracks. this still works fine.
  • type shift-up-arrow and shift-down-arrow to expand/contract the selected track. modifier is ignored ; key movements select different tracks as though shift were never pressed.
  • dismiss the channel settings window by clicking on the ‘x’. focus now returns to the track editor. modifier keys are now respected and selected track can now be expanded/collapsed.