This could be added as a toggle in Preferences, like this :
Enable Group Track expansion
and when it is enabled, an optional setting to separate the Group Tracks from the other tracks, that acts like a second Divide Track List, but this time at the bottom of the window and only for the Group Tracks :
Divide Group Tracks
The Group Tracks could then be unfolded like Folder Tracks, to show all the tracks that are routed to them, with access to the basic Mute, Solo and Channel Settings.
Those basic settings would of course be linked to the original tracks, and when you select a track from the list, it would also highlight the original one at the same time.
The shown tracks would not display any audio or midi events, but would allow to expand and edit the automation lanes, which would also be linked to the original tracks.
This would be a great functionality, especially on large projects.
I’ve added it to the Feature Requests list.