Making a Practice Workbook

Using Dorico on a Windows PC. I want to make a practice workbook with short 2, 4 or 6 bar phrases to practice with one phrase on each line. If I start a blank project, the only way I see to do a line break is to do a “System Break”. Is that really the best way to have a few bars on each line?
Also, When I have two bars on one line, Dorico stretches the 2 bars out so that they are the full width of the page. How can I make Dorico not stretch out the bars? I tried to uncheck the option “Only justify final system in flow when more than [n]% full” but that did not help. Any help is appreciated.

Perhaps using flows.
Here’s a short example file.


example.dorico (496.6 KB)

and without flow headings

example2.dorico (477.5 KB)


Thanks, example 2 is perfect. I was playing with your file and I couldn’t find a way to add new lines to the bottom or to copy/paste a line to the bottom. Can you help.
Also, when I edit your file, Dorico wants to stretch out 1 or 2 measures to the right page margin. Can I turn the (right justify) off?

You go to setup mode and add new flows in the lower panel.
Also Library->Layout Options->Note Spacing->Only justify final system…
set to 100%


Much Appreciated

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If you don’t want to use a new flow, you can always just use the Note Spacing tool, grab the handle at the end of the system, and Alt+Shift+Arrow it over. Gif below:

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Hi Jesele, I was working with your example2 and trying to see if I could reduce the space between lines to get more lines on a page. I couldn’t find a way to do that in the Layout Options. Can you help (again).

This better?


example2.dorico (531.3 KB)

Yes, Thanks

I see I forgot to set the Layout Options->Note Spacing->Only justify final system… to 100% but now you know how to do it.


OK, Many Thanks

Also Library->Layout Options->Vertical Spacing->Inter-system gap is what sets the spacing between staffs.


Flows.dorico (581.4 KB)

Thanks for walking me through all this