Mallet Varieties in Future NotePerformer Versions?

Just a quick feature request for @Wallander and the gang who make NotePerformer. Is there a chance that you might include a variety of different mallet sound samples (or something emulating the effect) for keyboard percussion in a future NotePerformer update? Right now, you’ve got bowed versions of the Glockenspiel, Xylophone, Vibraphone, and Marimba, but that’s it. It would be nice - essential, really, IMHO - to have sounds for rubber and yarn mallets for all four instruments. In fact, what I’d love to see in a dream scenario would be something like this:

Glockenspiel: brass, hard plastic, hard rubber, soft rubber, wood
Xylophone: hard plastic, hard rubber, soft rubber, hard/soft yarn, wood
Vibraphone: hard/soft rubber, hard/soft yarn
Marimba: hard/soft rubber, hard/soft yarn (maybe plastic or wood if done gently)

(BTW, Can you tell I used to be a Glockenspiel player in an early 80s Drum Corps? My mallet gig bag was stuffed to overflowing. Thank heaven for CB700.) :smile:

Anyway, please consider this humble request from a desperate wannabe percussion composer. Thank you!


Lee, are you aware you can use noteperformer Playback Engines with any other VST3 library?

Yes, I’m aware. I would just like to see the sounds brought into NP, that’s all.

BTW, would you know of a VST3 library that features good (and varied) mallet sounds? Just curious.

Lee, I think there was a thread about handbells just a few days ago - if you can find it.

Handbells and keyboard percussion aren’t quite the same thing.

See how ignorant string players are…?

No worries, no worries. I’ve got a viola player for a son. Don’t know where his mother (an F Horn player) and I went wrong. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Have you looked into the VSL percussion libraries?

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Thanks for that lead, @algae592009 ! The VSL Studio Mallets collection looks like it would be right up my alley. Now, if we could just get something slightly similar to that integrated into NotePerformer… :smiling_face_with_tear:

Glad it might be an option for you sometime in the future.
If you do end up getting any, let me know cause I have some of the now called Studio libraries and have been developing expression and percussion maps for them.
In any case, good luck with your search.

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I’m still looking into the VSL Studio Mallets, and I’m not 100% certain how I’d use it with Dorico. You said you’d been developing maps for the Studio libraries. How far have you made it into your work, if you don’t mind me asking?

Could be worse, mine turned into a guitarist :joy:

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At least he will always have work & he will always have friends!

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