Managing tempo

Sibelius-Symphony-No5.dorico (1.9 MB)
My apologies if this is already covered in forum posts. I could not find an answer to my questions. The attached score is the first movement of Symphony No 5 by Sibelius. Questions:

  1. How can the tempo be set without entering a metronome mark? The original only has text descriptions.
  2. I want the tempo indications to be larger in the score. I made them 18pt in Preferences but only the existing tempo are larger. Ones that I have created remain at 14pt.
  3. The rehearsal cues and tempo markings should show above the flute and above first violin. But the rehearsal cues also show below double bass. I am not sure how I did this and don’t know how to undo it.

You can hide the metronome mark.

The score you posted does not reflect this. To change the size you need to change the relevant Library>Font styles

You have set the Rehearsal Marks to show below the Double Basses in Layout Options.

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thank you