Is the Manual Staff Visibility function restricted to complete bars?
I have a vocal line with two singers in a question/answer type song. Neither is singing at the same time as the other. However, there are occasions when one vocal line ends at the start of a bar and the other starts at the end of the same bar - those are proving to be problem bars. I’m trying to do it all on one vocal staff using Manual Staff Visibility and Performer tags (She/He) but I’m struggling to get that to work - hence the question.
Thanks. Manual Staff visibility works for complete bars. So long as the singers don’t crop up in the same bar, there’s not a problem using it. Well, not that I’ve found so far.
Using two instruments on a single player allows this automatically. (It will also automatically produce two separate staves if the two voices do happen to coincide)
Apologies to BassoContinuo - he’s completely correct: Manual Staff Visibility appears to be limited for whole systems, not (as I previously said) for whole bars. In notation terms this isn’t really a problem as a) I’m not making parts and b) both singers use the same clef, therefore the only changes are adding Performer tags - easy enough. The problem, as I said earlier, is with playback. Copying, muting and recolouring muted sections gets around the problem. Ungainly but it does the trick.
FWIW I have a lot of collections of songs and this is the first time I’ve come across this issue.