Manual Un Install

I had a SSD crash on my system (of course it is where I installed Cubase) and need to replace it. The drive is unreadable so I can’t use WIN uninstall system. I am going to replace the drive and plan to re install Cubase on it but was wondering if I need to do a complete wipe of Cubase on my system (registry entries, etc) or if I can just swap the drive and reinstall Cubase on it?

And, no, I don’t have a backup of this drive (my bad) and am just trying to deal with the issue.

PS - should I be asking SB support?

How many drives dp you have ?
Also what do you have on each drive ?

Is this Cubase Elements or higher?
If Elements, is the license on a USB eLicenser?

You just re-install Cubase and the eLicense Control Centre Software, the issue only becomes slightly more complicated if your License is not on a USB eLicenser.