Manually Inserting text to any desired position in the score

Hello! I’m trying to find out how to insert text below a staff and not above which is the default. I’ve been trying to alter the default settings under Engrave-Engrave Options-Vertical Position- Default distance from Stave and altering this box to -73/8 which is more or less the position I want. When I type the text in it appears correctly, however when I hit return it goes back to the default position. I’m sure there’s a simpler way to do this. Ideally, I’m trying to just select the text and manually drag the selected it to the position I want but can’t figure this out (apologies if this is a basic question, am a fresh user)

I’m not aware of a way to make it appear below by default, but you can easily place it down below after entry by pressing ‘f’ for ‘flip’.

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Wow thanks a lot, that did the trick! :smiley:

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