Manually override playback order

Hi, I’ve run into STEAM-9553 (Repeat after D.S. doesn’t work with 1st/2nd endings).

Any workaround for that? Is it somehow possible to manually override playback order?
Like just hardcoding the bar numbers as in this example:

1-15, 3-14, 16-40, 3-15, 3-14, 16-20, 41-

This would have a repeat at the end of 15, with 15 as first and 16 as 2nd ending, a DS al Coda at the end of 40 (Segno at 3, “to Coda” after 20) and the Coda would go from 41 to the end.

I think I remember this override style from the old days in Sibelius…

Is there any way to achieve a correct playback?
Any idea on when the limitation will be addressed?

No, there is at present no way to manually override the order in which bars are played.

Ok, I see. I’ve solved it by writing out the repetition. I can live with a few bars more. It’s only about one page in the score. I need a playback, it doesn’t have to be perfect, but the form should be correct, so that my pupils can play along.

Thanks - again :slight_smile: - for your answers in the deepest Christmas night!
