In Engrave mode, using the staff spacing tool, I can’t click in the blue box with the measurements to type in a measurement manually. This seems like it varies by project… Currently working on one where it will not work. The issue cropped up within the past 6 months because I found myself frequently trying to use that functionality with it not working. Maybe it has something to do with my monitor? I’m on a 4K Ultrawide. Sometimes the box works as expected and I can type in that blue box to set the spacing, other times I am unable to click in the blue box at all. Maybe I am also missing something with how that is supposed to be used.
It is hard to diagnose without seeing the project, but it could be that a staff’s handle ended up below the box and without the proper zooming it will be hard to select.
If you cannot share the project, please at least attach a screenshot of the problematic frame.
Here is a stripped down file (I removed all the instruments but the vocal part I was working with). It’s not that I can’t drag the handles, it’s that I can’t click on the box with the measurement (for staff spacing) and type. I was able to get what I needed by dragging the handles while holding down Alt to move the other systems on the page equally.
Problematic Frame 2024-09-30.dorico (3.3 MB)
Hi @emusic, I tried your Project, and with the current settings, the number field are indeed not clickable.
I saw that you set the Page and Music Frames margins to 0! This is an unusual situation, and maybe Dorico graphic engine is confused about this. Page margins are very helpful to define the boundaries of the other frames. It seems you edited all your Page Templates frames-boundaries (to compensate for the “missing” Page Margins), instead of using the Page Margins to define the boundaries…There is a reason for this unusual customisation?
I found that if you make the Page Margins bigger in Layout options (I tried with 10mm), the number field in Staff Spacing becomes clickable again (eventually you may need to click a little on the left side of them).
That definitely makes sense, I hadn’t even thought about that causing the issue! The reason for no page margins, is that I created the page template set from measurements of someone else’s parts/scores that I wanted to emulate. Since measurements were taken from the outside edge of the actual paper, it was easiest for me to just place the frames exactly where they needed to be without having to subtract the page margin from my measurements.