As I’ve understood, Dorico resets some MIDI params when starting playback and one of the said parameters is CC7 which corresponds to Kontakt’s overall volume if I’m not mistaken.
The problem I have is that the maximum value for CC7 doesn’t correspond to 0dB, but to -6.2 dB
I even tried automating CC7 in the Play tab to a flat 127 line. Just to see Kontakt’s volume fader at -6.2 dB after pressing play and not 0 as expected.
Why -6.2 dB specifically? And how to have max value map to 0dB in Kontakt?
Checking Instrument option, the range should have corresponded to (-∞, 0)
That is in an enabled state (checked). The UI is confusing
Here’s it disabled
And Yes, disabling that works and that’s what I’m doing for now. But the question remains. I want the reset feature for deterministic playback (nice) but I want it to reset to 0 not -6.2 dB (not nice)
One other workaround is to set the range from (-∞, 6)
But I really feel dumb for doing that on every instrument. Surely, I am misunderstanding some option that results in this. Also having a 0.2 decimal makes things all the more confusing.
Please forgive what may seem an obvious question, but where is the box that says “Accept standard controllers for volume (#7)?" I can’t find it anywhere either in Dorico or Kontakt.
OK, I think I’ve got it. Not at the instrument level, but at the Kontakt engine level, you can set the “Default volume for new instrument and volume reset” to either -6db or 0db.
In your first pic, see the faders that don’t have “Inserts, EQ, Sends” up top? Those are the MIDI faders. They also appear and disappear depending on whether the the “MIDI” button is selected next to “Show” at the top of the mixer.
Dorico will send whatever value they are set to the moment you hit Play. If you set them to 127, Kontakt should reset to 0db.