I need to set up a barbershop template, since Dorico’s template is incorrect. Two staff, tenor/lead and bari/bass. Playback with piano sound, and separate channels for each voice.
I can do everything from there. Mostly, I can’t get the piano sound playback as a single staff, and I don’t remember where to find that “split into separate voices” that I know is in there, somewhere.
I guess I could even start with a grand staff piano, and change the staff names, clefs, and bracket. Just point me to that “split” thing. Would that be a better approach?
As for the rest, there are multiple ways of setting it up. How many players have you set up? You could probably do it with a single piano player and deal with four voices. My preference might be to create 4 players and use auto condensing. Bear in mind I’m not familiar with the needs of barbershop.
I’ve followed the instructions left for another user regarding changing the playback sound, but when I get to the Halion Sonic window, I’m lost. How do I replace the Sustain Ah with a Grand Piano sound? Nothing I fumble across or fool with seems to work. After I’ve done it for the first slot, I think I can handle the others.
Or, would it be easier for me to use the General MIDI sounds, where 1 is grand piano? If so, instruction gratefully received!
3 different places where to load your sounds in Halion Sonic (in other words how to open the Mediabay and use its filter)
how to load your sounds (piano sound for all 4 singers), create an Endpoint Configuration and with this create a Playback Template, that you can use and switch whenever you want only piano sound for your barbershop projects (and if you save the project as Project Template, this Playback Template will be associated with it)