Measured Trem Playback Question


Could someone tell me how to hear this:

when writing this:

at the moment the trem marks trig a trem patch for the first note and sus for the second. Dorico does oscillate between the two pitches however, just with the two different sounds one after the other

many thanks


Playback options->Timing-> Tremolos. Change the minimum strokes for unmeasured playback to 4.

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wonderful…thank you



(love forums me!)


perhaps spoke too soon. If I do this the playback is correct, however massive dropouts when everything is in. I have to put the buffer up to 4k to stop it. This is on a very powerful machine too…Is that normal ?



If you’re using BBC SO running directly inside Dorico, it’s not uncommon for it to cause drop-outs. The performance of the Spitfire plug-in when running in Dorico is, for some reason, a bit sub-optimal on some machines. My colleague @Ulf, who is the real expert on the audio engine, might be able to say a bit more about this.

ah ha. Thank you . Is it markedly better inside VSL ?



Uploading: Dorico…
this might help



I believe some users have found that to be the case, but I’m not sure; this is a bit outside my own area of experience and expertise.

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actually today was worth it. Spent hours rebuilding things. Dorico much more stable no that BBC is in VSL Pro. The crashing ( licensee disappearing ) seems to be how the program is closed. If I ctrl+shift+W and leave it 5 to 10 mins…the HUB reappears and everything is dandy. IF however it doesn’t ( sometimes ) then a re-boot is required for Dorico to see the Licenses.

As to playback it’s a different program running things in VSL,so much more responsive and unclunky !

Thanks everyone for your help, most appreciated



How large is your resulting file. Are you inadvertently saving the VSL info in the Dorico File? That would account for the long save time. What most folks do is configure VSL and Dorico not to connect in that way.

No. It’s de-coupled. Dorico file has no sample player data
