Media Bay "Comments" Column / Bulk Rename not working

Renaming multiple entries in bulk within the “Comments” column of the media bay will not work under the following circumstance: When highlighting multiple entries and attempting to make a bulk rename of the “comments” field, this will not work if you are attempting to change an existing entry (e.g. bongos) to a capitalized version of the entry (e.g. Bongos). The command is not properly executed and the entry remains in small caps.


Recreate Bug / Issue:

1.) Open Media Bay
2.) Choose folder that contains samples
3.) Enter “bongos” in a field within the “comments” column for one of the samples. Do this for multiple samples / rows.
4.) Re-highlight multiple rows, including the ones you have just changed previously (to “bongos”)
5.) Attempt to bulk change all to a capitalized version of the entry (e.g. Bongos).
6.) Command not executed, entries remain in small caps


If you would like to change one or multiple entries from small cap to a capitalized word within the “comments” section within media bay (say you would like to change “bongos” to “Bongos” or vice versa), first delete the entries, then re-highlight and then make the change.


(my setup: Windows 10, Cubase Pro Version 9.5.41 Build 287).