Been thinking about tagging and managing Samples lately.
After trying a couple of things I started using the free ADSR Sample Manager from adsrsound. It’s BPM and Key detection works really well.
Unfortunately the tags are only saved in the software itself, as .wav files do not have any meta data attached afaik. So your’re stuck using the software. It would be so great to have the tags be imported in the Cubase MediaBay.
I saw that ADSR stores it’s Database as a .db3 SQLite File whereas the MediaBay Database is a .db SQLite File.
Would it be somehow possible to convert these .db3 databases so that the Cubase Media Bay could import them?
I saw that someone made a converter for the Ableton Live tagging, but I don’t have the knowledge to dive into that myself.
Don’t worry about this, they are no different, and surely both apps use similar sqlite version.
For sure, it should be close to trivial to insert into mediaBay, records of another db holding media files. However, there are at least two things to consider here:
If ADSR Sample Manager uses a cipher sqlite db, i.e. an encrypted one, it is simply not possible given that most of us don’t have unlimited time to get to decrypt it.
The second thing is that even if it is not encrypted and we can properly query its records and enter them to the mediaBay’s db, there’s a (big) chance that upon mediaBay’s app rescanning the samples folder, it will totally ignore/replace our tags. This is because as far as I know mediaBay writes the tags to the wav files. So, instead of a simple act of fetching/inserting records from the one db to the other (and I say simple, though in reality based on the structure of the dbs things can get nasty), the best approach would actually be to query files/tags from ADSR SM and then iterate through all the corresponding wav files and properly place the tags inside them. Surely doable, but it may take some time for a user to build something like that. Talking about lots of samples by the way?