MediaBay Browser - Should be Easier to Locate Steinberg VSTs Expansion / Preset Packs

Feature Request:
Improve the MediaBay folder structure so that expansion / preset packs can be more easily identified. The associated VST name should be the “Parent” Folder" instead of a “Sub Folder”.

The MediaBay folder structure is still completely ridiculous in 2025. To locate a specific Steinberg VST expansion / preset packs I need to either memorize their name or to expand all of the folders individually until I find the correct Steinberg VST instrument sub folder.
This means that Steinberg VST expansion / preset pack names can be scattered all throughout the entire list simply because they do not use the name of the Steinberg VST as the parent folder.

The folder structure should be as follows:

VST Sound/Padshop Pro/“Expansion Preset Pack Names”
VST Sound/Groove Agent/“Expansion Preset Pack Names”
VST Sound/Retrologue/“Expansion Preset Pack Names”

etc. etc.

Not sure I understand why you should even get to use the file browser tab for this.
Shouldn’t be assigning the media properties you’re interested in to whichever mediaBay’s columns, enough for this?

Here’s an example:

Sure, I guess that’s fine if the user knows how to get there in the first place. Knowing that I have to go to the “Plugin Vendor” attribute to get to where I want to be is inconspicuous and unintuitive to the user.

I would still like to see the “File System / VST Sound” folder structure to be improved.
The user should be able to expand the VST Sound folder, instantly identify the VST folder and then select any of the associated expansion / preset packs., it’s currently a confusing mess.