Merging layers

I had a song recorded with guitar, bass and drums, and unmixed. so on ‘other’ layer that was stuff by its frequency that belongs to the guitar. I put that layer beneath the guiatar layer and merged up. I expected a combination of the 2, but I only see what was on the ‘other’ track, like it wiped out what was on the guitar track. I undid and tried more times but the same result.

Can you do a video capture of this ?

No video, but here are the drum layer, yellow. New layer, looks empty but if I play at high volume I here what must belong to cymbals. So I merge up and then most of the drums are gone, so I will undo again.

Do you have both the Drums and new layer unmuted when the merging happens ? Otherwise the muted layer will be merged as muted.

So when I went back to spectralayers and pressed play or spacebar, nothing move. couldn’t get it to respond to play. I had a couple projects opened and closed. I thought this one was saved already, when it opened I saw I had fewer layers.

there was another version I opened and this had more layers as pictured. the trouble with this version was that I had experimented with the display settings to see what they did and it became almost unusable with such long times and spincircles. I thought I had alleviated that before and saved but see that it is still very slow and giving spincircles.

I had a previous post about restoring defaults of the display only but got no replies, so I wonder if you can tell what to adjust here to get back a normal response, and continue from there.

I think that was it, about both not being muted as I tried and still see the drums essentially unchanged. (Other was practically invisible to start)

So now trying to special cut guitar that is on flute track to guitar below. With both soloed in this case I don’t think I got the right result. What would be correct?

I am not aware of a quick way to restore the defaults all at once, but you can just double-left-click each field in the Display panel to reset it.

You want to lower the FFT Size to get better performance. If you have to work with higher settings (because you need better frequency resolution), I highly suggest to work zoomed in (time and frequency) and edit bit by bit, when possible.
Also, increasing the Resolution is another factor that needs more processing power. Resolution is currently not shown in your Display panel. To show it you have to click on the symbol in the upper left of the Display panel (the three dots and lines) and check Resolution.

If you do EditCut SpecialCut to Layer Below, it should work, even if the lower layer is muted.
Alternatively you can of course do Cut to New Layer instead and merge the cut content with the other layer later, but as Robin noted, both layers must be unmuted.

keyboard is shift+x…which is a lot easier than menu diving IMO

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