Messed up layout (TE)

I guess I must have hit some keyboard shortcut by mistake while in Galley View. When I returned to Page View it looked like this. It seems as if the last five pages have been put into one single page. I have a backup from yesterday with the correct formatting so it’s not critical and therefore I’d rather not upload the file. I shall check the rest of the backups in between and maybe I can get some idea of when it happened at least.

I’m pretty sure that system break has its “wait for next system break” property set…
Select the signpost, check the properties panel in engrave mode and switch it off, and all should be well!


Thanks, Benji!

That worked. The only thing I have to redo is the last measure, or bar as it’s called in Dorico. It has its own page and I need to rearrange a little to get one page less.

Often just a little adjustment to the Note spacing value in Layout Option/Note Spacing make the music shrink enough to fit into the last desired page. (or you could apply a local Note Spacing Change)

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Strange. The older file I opened - the one that didn’t have this issue - also had the ‘Wait for next system break’ active.

At this moment I don’t remember the things I read about in the manual the other day when making layout changes so I need to recheck, but not tonight.

Thanks for reminding me!

Luckily I had enough space on one of the previous pages to move one of the bars back one page and thus get rid of the last page.

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It’s not just Dorico land, it’s British English as spoken in Britain, India, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Malta and Gibraltar :slight_smile:
In the U.S. the Latin description comes into place, like in Italian or French.


Well in Italy we use both terminologies (if we want to consider “bar” and “battuta” as similar as “measure” and “misura”, because of the b, but probably have another etymology). I personally learned to call it “battuta” (being “misura” a little old-styled for what I feel).

grazie, Christiano :pray:t2:

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