Meta Normalize

If you really want to do this in Wavelab 8, there’s a way, but it takes 3 steps. I’ve made some preset screenshots below.

Make presets as in the pictures. You’ll need to have a clip selected in order to make the Meta 2 preset, because it requires the “only selected clips” checkbox.

  1. Load and run the Wavelab 7 Meta 1 preset.

Don’t play the montage yet (!), as it’ll be incredibly loud. I started with Preset 1 at 0 LUFS (super incredibly loud), but decided -3 LUFS was plenty as I’ve never seen anything that loud (I think I’ve seen something that was -4LUFS once, but that’s crazy). But -3 LUFS is still very loud so don’t play the montage until you’ve run Meta 2 and Meta 3.

1a. Look on the clips tab to see which clip was raised the most by the Meta 1 preset. Select that clip. (that was the quietest clip, going from your suggestion).

  1. Load and run the Wavelab 7 Meta 2 preset.

(leave the selected clip selected for step 3).

  1. Load and run the Wavelab 7 Meta 3 preset.

That’s it. It’s fairly easy once you get used to it.
Wavelab 7 Meta 1.PNG
Wavelab 7 Meta 2.PNG
Wavelab 7 Meta 3.PNG