METER scales seems to differ between Cubase and plugins

Hello !! :blush:
I’ve added an INSERT plugin to a track .
Track METER is in POST-FADER position .
I’ve noticed VST plugin output METER shows a different value from what I see in FADER METER .
I would expect them to show the same value .
I get “clipping evidence” from plugin output , but no in FADER metering.
Could anyone tell me if / what I’m missing here ? :grimacing:
Is that just a matter of UI SCALES representation or am I actually clipping ?

thank you !!!


I would say, you are clipping.

Any Channel Strip plug-in in use, by any chance?

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Thank you Martin !!
Yes I was definitely clipping !!
My fault !!
the issue was the track METER position. It was POST-PANNER, so pan law was reducing by -3dB !!

Solved !!

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