Metronome number

Is it possible to change the metronome number by entering it?

I’m not sure but you can select a tempo marking and change it via the Properties panel in the lower zone.

The manual says this:

You can change the metronome mark value used in fixed tempo mode by clicking the number to show a slider, then dragging the slider to the right/left.

I want to know how to input text directly without moving the bar to adjust it.

According to the manual, you can’t.

This just controls the fixed tempo mode.

The correct way to manage tempo changes in your score is to use the tempo popover (Shift-T)

or the tempo panel on the right.


Thank you, but the numbers don’t seem to connect.

Hi @Nohoodo, beside the useful suggestions above by @DanielMuzMurray and @Janus , I made a video for you, to visually explain how Tempo generally works in Dorico. I hope it can be of some help:

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Thank you. ^^