I’ve experimented with a touch panel that can send MIDI commands (CC messages) which I can use to do some pitch adjusting. This all works, but every so often Dorico stops accepting MIDI input in the Write pane. I suspect it’s the touch panel, as I’ve not had a problem with my main keyboard. The notes sound - I can hear the playback but nothing gets entered. I have to restart Dorico to continue. Is there a “midi reset” button? I’m feeding Dorico for the commands through the Mac IAC driver.
The touch panel is sending CC messages, as I used MIDI learn to set the keys up. It’s as if some incomplete message has been sent and Dorico is just waiting.
Welcome to the forum, David. If I remember rightly, clicking the “stop” button in the Transport window (which you have to show via the little pop-out button in the toolbar, or via Window > Transport) when playback is stopped will send “all notes off” and resets etc. to all of the MIDI devices and plug-ins that are connected as outputs, but it won’t do anything to inputs.
When things get stuck, do you see the green MIDI indicator light in the bottom right-hand corner of the project window constantly illuminated?
Yes, when things stick, that’s what I see. As it happens, I was just trying to set up another key command and the MIDI light stuck on, and the MIDI learn kept inserting CC7 (volume) - which wasn’t the value I was trying. It’s as if something is sending it. But midi is getting through to the audio engine as I can hear different pitches.
I’ve installed a midi monitor to see what’s happening.
And to complete the picture, the problem has not reappeared. Oh well.