MIDI clock not sending

I have the same issue- no midi clock send since updating to 3.7
Very irritating

It’s very irritating as I use this all the time - CUBASIS is my master clock sending out to all midi/usb hardware

Trying out of my recently purchased/installed Iconica Sketch

Using the extra CUBASIS download I’ve noticed some really bad delay and notes holding on continuously mainly when using strings LEGATO option?

It’s not a midi/controller problem as it also happens when using CUBASIS touch keyboard on iPad

What’s going on with this latest update (3.7) I’ve been really happy upto now using CUBASIS generally working well.

“Return to start position on stop” turn that off and it will solve like 85% of the hanging notes untill they sort out the problem…
It’s a global problem that exceeds platforms,instruments, etc.
It’s probably is on the top of the list of bugfixes…

Hi, I have the same problem. No midi clock. When my iPad with Cubasis is connect to my elektron cycles a play midi control is send from Cubasis (via USB) and a EXT is shown on midi clock display of the electron model cycles, but playback do not start. Instead after a few seconds EXT vanishes (times out?) from the display and playback starts using internal clock. Connecting to a Korg opsix with sequencer: Pressing play in Cubasis prompts the sequencer into play mode, but the sequence doesn’t start. In a Korg Kaoss pad mk3: Nothing happens when play is pressed in Cubasis and external clock is not detected on the kaoss pad. Hope this could spark some ideas for a (fast) solution.

Hi all,

I really hope we’re going to get a fix soon as this is driving me up the wall.

It’s such a shame, when your excited to get the latest update with some great new features for existing owners (much appreciated) but then a basic function is lost ?

Also I’m still having latching notes problem on Iconica Sketch!!!

Hope to hear soon
