Midi Controller causes crash in Cubase 13


Just updated to Cubase 13 Pro. It launches fine but as soon as i turn my Midi controller on (Nektar Impack LX) it crashes. If the controller is on when i launch Cubase , the program would crash upon opening.

Is this a known issue?


Do you use Nektar component? Or do you use MIDI Remote script? Or none of them?

In any case, attach the *.ips/dmp file, please.

Mac: macOS Console utility > Crash Reports (or ~user/Library/Logs/Diagnostic Reports).
Win: %userprofile%/Documents/Steinberg/Crash Dumps

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Hi there Martin. Alas I don’t know what both of these are (it’s bad :slight_smile:
I attach the report

Crash report.pdf (425.8 KB)


The crash is in Cubase.

Attach the source *.ips file, so I can resolve it and work with it, please. You can find it here, as mentioned before:

Cubase 13-2024-08-30-101646.ips (105.4 KB)


Reported to Steinberg. Thank you.

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What device exactly do you own (LX mini, LX25+, LX49+…), please?

Following. Similar issue here with the Nektar Impact LX61+


LX 25+


Thank you, I have updated the report to Steinberg.

Hi and welcome to the forum,

Thank you, I have updated the report.