More than once, I launch a project and Cubase complains about the MIDI part not being assigned (sometimes multiple.
I get into Cubase and look at the MIDI Device Manager to find it empty.
Consider the following:
I have 5 MIDI devices plugged into an 8 port MIDI * interface
- They’re all hardware devices (nothing virtual).
- I have scripts configuring them all, with all patch banks.
- They work for months, then suddenly, POOF they’re gone.
- The night before, they worked fine
- I check the hardware / drivers, there’s nothing wrong with it.
- I reconfigure them all and they ALL WORK FINE
If Cubase has an issue where it cannot work properly with a MIDI device during a session/instance, I understand it should complain and of course not work for that part, perhaps uninstall ROUTING for the project tracks using those parts.
But to COMPLETELY UNCONFIGURE all MIDI devices from the program, irretrievably, FOR A TEMPORARY ISSUE, requiring a completely manual reinstallation of all devices is, in short, a very bad user experience.
You should a) handle fault better without just tossing the application confutations out of the window and b) better inform the user what problem you’re having with a particular configuration / installation.
Can anybody say what likely causes this scenario so I can better avoid it happening in the future?
Thanks, Chris