MIDI Editing question for C6 users

I am strongly considering getting Cubase 6, as I can upgrade from Studio 5 relatively painlessly (in stock) but I am also considering Artist in addition to hanging onto Studio due to the impending 5.5.3 update.

What I’d like to know is, can I double click a note in either the key or drum editor and it automatically open in the list?

If not is there a preference somewhere at all?

Thank you all so kindly

Upgrading to Cubase 6 won’t prevent you from continuing to use Cubase 5 Studio (or from upgrading that to 5.5.3). They are separate applications, but the new license for Cubase 6 will still allow you to run Studio 5.

What I’d like to know is, can I double click a note in either the key or drum editor and it automatically open in the list?

If not is there a preference somewhere at all?

Thank you all so kindly

No, that has never been possible. But it has always been possible to have several Editor windows open at the same time (via Preferences>Editing>“Link Editors”), so, if you select a note in the Key Editor, it will be selected also in the List Editor.
Btw, double-clicking a note in the Key Editor of Cubase 6 opens that note’s Note Expression window.

Thanks for that gem, ‘vic’, the things you learn even without reading the manual… :wink: .



Yes vic is a resident guru.

So the Note Expression window does away with the need to link editors is that correct, or is it available regardless of which editor is currently in view?

It only has relevance in the Key Editor. In fact, if a controller is being used for Note Expression, it only appears in the relevant note’s Note Exp window, not in the regular controller lanes, so it doesn’t even appear at all in the List Editor. (I have mixed feelings about that… the whole purpose of a List Editor is to show all data , as a list :stuck_out_tongue:. But to include Note Expression data, the List Editor would have to be considerably modified… we’d need to see an extra column, showing the note to which the Note Exp data belongs (much the same way as for polyphonic aftertouch, I suppose :wink: ).
Fortunately, another place where CC# data as Note Expression is still accessible is in the Logical Editor (and, I’ve noticed, there are even some new Filter and Action Targets, specifically for Note Expression).


That’s why I was asking for a pure function to double click a note in key, drum & score that goes straight to list by default but as I understand you say a preference covers that and now with note expression it has changed the way data is presented by the list, which I agree is unfortunate as that was my whole point of asking for what may amount to a feature improvement/request.

Thanks for sharing your expert knowledge.

Would the Note Expression popup window not make a lot of sense in the Drum editor? Drums (as used in the Drum editor) after all, are just different MIDI notes and so would appear an excellent candidate. And it is more or less the same view, graphically.

Personally, I don’t use the List editor much, occasionally. However for the ones that do, I could see a “expand/collapse” sub-list attached to each note with the NE events, and showing as a “grouped” set under the note in the grid on the right, corresponding to the events. (Chords basically have the same consequences of being “at the same time” or grouped, so to speak, on the timeline.)

Maybe someone on the developer team could give us some information on this (whether there are plans to expand on the NE concept in terms of editing or not), since the technology is quite new AND to have more vendors buy into the VST3.5 standard. Personally, I LOVE IT! Best new thing in a very LOOONG time!!!

What I’d like to know is, can I double click a note in either the key or drum editor and it automatically open in the list?

Which is good except the entirety of the function means that you are not actually brought to the specific note “location” in the list unless this has changed in C6.

But, IIRC, the “L” key will move the cursor to the start of the first (or only) selected note in the list editor.

Good point, but while the song is playing back it is unhelpful.

What I need is editing for the most part to be independent of playback.