MIDI events lost after moving midi track

Hey. I was programming in midi changes via the event editor. I tried to lengthen the midi track but accidentally moved it instead. When I did, all the midi events were lost on the editor! This happens every time I accidentally move the track. ‘undo’ puts the track container back in the right place, but doesn’t restore the midi events. Can this be fixed? I’ve done it a couple of times now and its frustrating having to put all the events back in because i accidentally shifted the container in the track.

… oh, I can feel you and I am very sorry! We are trying to find a pattern to get it reproduced. Then we are able to get it fixed. Maybe you can help us and give us a detailed description? Something like …

  1. Start VL, New project, Select TRACKS
  2. Add MIDI Track, add Clip from 1.1 to 3.1
  3. Open MIDI Editor add two notes, select note and …

See you,

Hey Spork, yeah that’s exactly it. Open midi editor → put in all your controller values → close midi editor → move the container → open MIDI editor → all notes gone (and the little lines that appear on the track are also gone). However, Im guessing it must have been a temporary blip/bug as I’ve gone back today and it seems to be fine, no dramas moving. Ill let you know if it happens again!