MIDI import changes engraving options after update


I updated to the latest version today (from 5.1.51) and have a strange behavior when I import a MIDI file from Cubase. This didn’t happen before the update.

In my Dorico orchestration template I use the Maestro font (works for more than a year now), but I changed the staff lines and stem thickness for example. When I imported a MIDI file from Cubase today after the update, I saw that the staff lines became thinner at the moment the MIDI file appears as a new flow. It seems that the import resets the engraving options to the factory default of the maestro engraving options (or another kind of reset).

It looks like a bug as it didn’t happen in many orchestration projects before the update. My workaround for now is to import my correct engraving options with the library manager from my template file. But it would be great if someone could check if that really is a bug and could be fixed, or if the mistake is on my side and let me know what I can do.

Many thanks!