No! Have installed the Update two times! Problem is the same!!
Have it worked on the old firmwares? I try to figure out since I have bought vst live ( at the Release)
Also quick Control learn dont work!!!
It only works in „shortcut and actions „ to learn
Please let me Know! I have to Build my live setup for giging in december!
Hi @Reinhard_Farnberger ,
that’s what I am doing …
- Start VST Live 2.1.22
- Select TRACKS and add a MIDI Track to it
- Select JUP-8 as an Output-Instrument
- Select “KOMPLETE KONTROL M32” and an MIDI-Input
- Enabled MONITOR Control for sending MIDI-Events to Instrument
- Open JUP-8 Editor, Open MIDI section, Enable “Learn”, select “SOURCE MIX” Control
- Move Knob in KONTROL M32
- The MIDI-CC will be attached to the SOURCE MIX
What am I doing wrong?
Make sure that 2.1.22 is installed. To verify it go to “VST Live / Menu / About VST Live”.
Maybe your Connection is wrong? Have you checked “VST Live / Menu / Devices Connection”?
I don’t understand that one, sorry. Can you give me some more hints.
Yes, the workaround (at the moment) is to use the “Shortcut and Actions” way. A fix is coming soon to get it visually solved.
We are doing our best to help you out here.
See you,
have tried this!
midi cc is recogniced but its not the right cc! it changes by itself…if I want cc 41 to learn…it changes from 26 to 52 to 41 and then the learned cc is gone
my question is if the bug is here since the release of vst live !? it never has worked since I have bought vst live!
firmware is 2.1.22
have tried your mid track tip 10 times…the midi learn in the plugin ( jup 8 v) don’t work well!
if I press learn…it receives random midi cc messages while midi monitor is empty
Could you explain step by step what you do, and what you want to achieve?
First try this: open MIDI Monitor and select input to the kontrol. Then see what is being received when you operate the control in question.
In “Actions and Shortcuts”, nothing changes “by itself”. Possibly, the device sends multiple messages, or you are looking at the wrong column - the value is data2, that’s not the cc#.
“firmware” is for devices, for software, call it version (know-it-all mode off).
My goal is to midi learn in Plugins as „Sporke“ says it should be fixed with the new Version!
I have tried the same step by step tip he is giving to me ( read above)
In Action and shortcuts it works well! But only quick controls!
Sporke say this is fixed with the new Version…
Ok…so I have to wait for the fix! Thx for clear me up!
Please let me know if there are news about midi learn!!!
We need this feature for playing our vsts Like instruments!!
Next version is coming on Friday, if all goes well.
have installed the new version…
now midi quick control learn also don’t work correctly!
it changes parameters random in learn mode!!
also noticed that in midi learn mode everything works really slow!