is there a way to prevent overlaps when using Midi Modifiers?
E.G. I use random velocity and position to humanize, but then it happens, that some notes overlap and are not played.
I use Cubase 13.
I hope someone can help
is there a way to prevent overlaps when using Midi Modifiers?
E.G. I use random velocity and position to humanize, but then it happens, that some notes overlap and are not played.
I use Cubase 13.
I hope someone can help
The Delete Overlaps (Mono/Poly) functions subsequently remove overlaps.
I know, but this works only after “Freeze Midi Modifiers”(?) Would be nice to do it in realtime, when the midi modifiers are active, before freezening.
The trick is to shorten the length of the Notes by the range that the start might be moved. So if you are randomizing the start by ±7 Ticks, then shorten the length by 14 Ticks (I’d actually use 15, just in case). For on the fly use, the MIDI Modifiers can do this.
Thanks, good idea. Perhaps I will also try to work more with the sustain pedal, so that the notes can be shorter.
I think the sustain pedal makes the sound longer/shorter, but not the midi notes. But, yeah, why not give it a try.
I use these long midi notes in general with EP. It sould have a Sustain pedal function. I think when I use the pedal to make the sound longer I can use shorter midi notes. Between 2 chords I first trigger the new notes and then release the pedal to stop the old chord and press it again, then stop the notes of the new chords and hold the pedal until the notes of the next chords are triggered…
As I know with a normal piano there’s no difference between the sustain pedal and holding the keys down.
I use the Logical Editor to do this. Then maybe a little tweaking and it’s done.
Using the modifiers you get a different result every time.
Thanks for all your help, very nice.