Midi out from dorico to another program

Hello there,

is there a way of making Dorico send out the midi info from a track during playback?
In that way I could play an instrument I’m building in Max8 together with the rest of the orchestration all through Dorico while writing, it would be super handy.

I’ve been trying different ways but can’t find a solution yet.

Thank you for any info on this.

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Yes, you can do this, provided you have a suitable MIDI device available. If you’re on macOS, you can use an IAC Bus (created in Audio MIDI Setup). On Windows, you’ll need a third-party utility to provide a virtual MIDI port. I believe tools like LoopBe30 are often used on Windows.

Actually, if you use Max, it has already 2 virtual MIDI ports built it for such cases. Choose one of the 2 “to Max” ports.

Have you been able to do it with Loopbee30?

I do not see the MIDI ports in Doric :frowning:

Hi Lucas,

I have Max but I don’t know how to configure it. Can you explain how to do what you explain?


LoopBe30 works great with Dorico, so you must be looking in the wrong place. (On the right pane in PLAY click on MIDI Instruments at the bottom. When the pane expands click the + sign to add slots for MIDI OUT image

I am also having a problem sending Midi from Dorico to Ableton. Have tried setting up the midi as above, (see photo) but no midi seems to be coming out.
Additionally, the ‘on/off’ button does not seem to be there on my Midi instrument channel. I downloaded the help pdf, but it has very little on Midi sending.

Welcome to the forum, @ThomassomohT .

This screen shows you have installed a MIDI instrument in Play, but have you assigned the Max-1 to any instruments in the Track Inspector tab? That would be the first thing I would check.

Also, do make sure that you go to the Play page of Preferences and ensure that your MIDI output is disabled as a MIDI input, to avoid a MIDI feedback loop.

Many thanks! That is the answer. (Im absolutely new to it, so forgive me ignorance) . There is still something strange though, - whilst I can receive the Midi in MAXmsp , it seems to completely overload Ableton, which just gives the occasional clump of backlog of chords and hangs- its as if huge extra amount of midi data is being sent. Is there something obvious that I am getting wrong.

Perhaps you have a MIDI feedback loop in Ableton: it’s treating your MIDI input as a MIDI output, so it’s endlessly re-sending all the MIDI to itself.